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Altis Airlines in numbers

Cpt BoonDog

Well-known member
I thought that seeing BA/Altis Airways has been operating for at least 3-4 months now and I'm one of the longest serving flight crew, I would fill you in on some of the value which BA/Altis Airways has added to the Island.

I was one of the earliest members to be approved on BA/Altis Airways shortly after its creation, I used to run my own Altis Helicopter Taxi service. Those individuals established on the island may well remember it? It felt only right I applied to get in to BA.  I've never once regretted it. 

So since my joining in late March we've recruited; 

79 active pilots, with 

20 somewhere in pipeline to becoming pilots. 

Each of our Pilots on average fly at least 1 hour a week; with monthly flight hours extending in to hundreds of accrued hours across all of our flight crew.

We have on average of 5 serious crashes per month, which is astounding given the #hours flight time accrued vs the staff members. 

We have 2 helicopters 

1 Spawn point 

Our pilots have all reported extremely high levels of RP when engaged with our passengers. They say it is some of the best and most consistent RP they get on the server.

I have been nominated 4-5 times since being with BA/Altis for high levels of RP. 

For an island with roads connecting every facet of it from one end to the other, the airline is constantly utilised, with the average fairs around exceeding £2500k with journey's taking moments rather an age to complete. Handing individuals on the island more time to do the tasks they want/need to do...

....I cannot tell you how much cargo we shift.... But it's a lot and it varies too, from grandma's furniture, apples, frogs legs, to spare parts, DVD collections to musical instruments; with some cargo frequently marked top secret? Mmmm? 

From a personal stand point I take great pride in seeing this airline grow from strength to strength and seeing how much value it's adding to our growing population with its growing reputation and establishing its self with our community. 

This would not have been possible without the support and buy in of the RPUK management team as well as those persons currently managing and providing service. 

I look forward to helping the Altis Airways management team and RPUK management achieve new and bigger, better and exciting things for the airline.

So thank you to you all and to your continued support and RP experiences for this great service. 

We are still recruiting - so feel free to stick an application in. 

Best regards

Cpt Boondog
