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A moan about decent roleplay


Well-known member
Hey, Unlucky Esqy here :)   

So, I was doing a sand run yesterday (Yeah yeah, I know its crap, but never done one before) and as is the way of Altis, I work by butt off for 20 mins only to get robbed at the trader and have nothing to show for it. That's happened to me so many times, I'm almost used to it, so please don't see this post as 'Butthurt cos he got robbed'. Honestly, the run was only to practice flying and landing a chopper, and i figured sand was out of the way with lots of landing space.  

Anyhow, I'd sold a bunch of glass and an offroad swings in and I thought 'Dang, I know where this is going'.  

2 lads jumped out and initiated on me, threatened my life and gave me time to respond - All the boxes were ticked, so there is no RDM. However, when I did respond I was told 'Shut your mouth, you don't need to talk'. and that was repeated whenever I tried to negotiate. So I hands-ed up and the took all of the 12k. Sorted. Then they knocked me out.   

When I came to, they asked for the keys to the chopper, So I said No. They knocked me out again, ziptied me and took me to a second floor of a house nearby to execute. The whole time I was trying to get some words in - Finally a tiny bit of actual roleplay from the guys when  we got to the building -  'You'd risk your life for a hunk of metal?' - That was said a few times. I countered with 'You are ok with straight up murder for a hunk of metal?' - 'THATS what you come back with.. Hahaha, Yes I'm ok with it. Any last words?'    

From a rules POV it was all fine, from a game POV it was just crap. If I'm going to be robbed and killed and LEAST give me a decent bit of roleplay. 'Shut your mouth, all we want is money' is basically taking away the single thing that gives me a hope in hell of me surviving or getting anything out of the situation.  

Being robbed wasn't too much of a big deal. 12k wasn't a whole lot of money. However the way these guys were playing made me just think... well, balls to it then. Whats the point of even trying? As soon as they pull out a gun, I may aswell turn off my mic, go get a drink and just get shot.   

The cops are awesome with this. you can get away with almost anything if you have decent roleplay - I guess because their actions are more closely scrutinised than the average person, and there are repercussions.  

Anyhow, C'mon guys - Up your roleplay, give a hobo a chance. 

I have to agree with you, the RP is getting worse again. It's just gunfights 24/7 and I've just left the police due to that. We get baited to a fuel station then we get told 'if you tase me you will be shot' then we get shots from 10 different people camping on the fuel station ready for a gunfight. 

Looking at the rules today. Might do a "bottom feeder" rule thats not bannable but can be reported. 

Let me have a think about it.

I have encountered the 'shut up don't talk'  phrase too many times recently. Sorry but what is the point in me playing? Exactly as you said @Esqyyou might aswell just AFK or straight up gun them down.It completely shuts down any form of vocal roleplay. I am here for roleplay, you are here for roleplay and they are supposedly here for roleplay. 

If they don't roleplay to an adequate standard with regards to execution that in itself can be fail-rp/RDM.

People need to stop with this bullshit and play the game for what it is. As a civ I don't rob people purely because I feel way too bad knowing that the guy has just grounded for half hour. As a cop I don't mind arresting a guy doin weed becaus I know I put my all into it and they're doing stuff they know to be risky.

Just my two cents

Also people swear to much now like being told "shut your f****** mouth or ill shoot you in the face you C***" also over using swear words in roleplay its just pathetic. Yes! you may play as a angry roleplayer but this is still and adult community with serious roleplay.

@Vladic KaThats a decent Idea, but my initial thought on that is it will just get abused. Anyone who gets robbed ever will just report a 'bottom feeder' and it will add strain to the Support Team. Also the guage of decent roleplay is subjective - I think 'The weed is for medicinal purposes' and 'It's a toy/paintball gun' is terrible roleplay, but thats just me :)

@CreatorChrisYeah, the swearing is off the charts, but with the average age of the people here (People I encounter are generally 15-17) you get used to it!

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@Vladic KaThats a decent Idea, but my initial thought on that is it will just get abused. Anyone who gets robbed ever will just report a 'bottom feeder' and it will add strain to the Support Team. Also the guage of decent roleplay is subjective - I think 'The weed is for medicinal purposes' and 'It's a toy/paintball gun' is terrible roleplay, but thats just me :)
Dont worry we know what is good and bad RP here. The problem is that its subjective. I couldnt exactly put people here into whose line is it anyway and expect a great show. If you dont know what that is then google it.

Hope nobody minds me putting in my two cents here. 

As somebody who predominantly role-plays here and has no real interest in the whole gunfight part. 

This is an issue that needs to be addressed. I rob people at Processors all the time. Do I kill them? Nope. Do I steal all the money? Nope. I role-play with them, finish their run and give them half ( or all ) the money. The bottom feeder rule should be there but it will be difficult to manage. 

The server had implemented changes that will muscle out roleplayers ( Redzone ect ), In order for me to roleplay a HM robbery. I need to die 7 times to get the breaching charge. In order for me to not look like a hobo I need to die 7 times to get a vest..

I also would like to point out, that sometimes ( Not all the time ) The police are so Sick of terrible roleplay, or the same old excuses that they don't really roleplay at all. 

I have had this a lot, it gets me wound up. I understand that 80% of your gun excuses are "Its a water pistol" or "Its a replica" but If my story is different or I am attempting to roleplay dont usher me off asap. I've even photo-shopped documents and Licences for my firearms. Nobodys seen them though as the roleplay never gets that far. 

Meta gaming in roleplay is also a issue for me. I roleplay as a mexican ukulele singer. Now due to living in a house with a family I cannot sing 24/7. To get out of this I use a "Voice changer" so people dont recognise the Mexican voice. People still say "I recognise your voice, SING ME A SONG" then hassle me for the next 5 mins. I've also been taken hostage and forced to sing. Kinda sucks the fun out of it. 

Sorry to rant. Love the server. xx Love roleplay xxx

Yeah your completely right @Ricardo Sanchez. Ive just deleted my resignation because i shouldnt leave due to certain people/gangs having bad RP. We are all getting sick of it and its really gotta be fixed. I think the rule about poor RP has got to be made more severe so people are forced to RP. I was taken hostage a few days ago by LS for about 30 mins so police didnt touch their drug run (4 of us on s2 all together). They barely talked to me and when they sold the drugs, they ran to an officer and said 'officer watch this' and killed me. This HAS to be stopped as this is forcing people to leave the police etc and is ruining the community as a whole. 

This I can agree with, I only see constant gunfights to be honest
The common donominator seems to be gunfights. Management had already made it harder for guns to be acquired (red zone gang shops) but yet it's still a problem. The solution isn't within he rules, you can add 100 regulations regarding gunfights etc but still have he same problem.

The issue therein relies on people and their mindset, attitudes and approach to situations. 

(I am in mobile so I cba to quote myself and the other people that make the same point outlaw, this is not targeted at you)

Looking at the rules today. Might do a "bottom feeder" rule thats not bannable but can be reported. 

Let me have a think about it.
I like this idea, I think the punishment should be like no firearms for 3 days or something along those lines.

I like this idea, I think the punishment should be like no firearms for 3 days or something along those lines.
That's gonna be impossible to monitor. I would say the bottomfeeders rule should work on the premise of. 

If your the sort of slimeball thats gonna rob a guy @ Iron trader for 500k, With insufficient roleplay. The person who is robbed should be able to do a compensation request. If the support staff deem that it wasnt good enough the robbed person gets the money. The robber has the money taken from his bank?  

That's gonna be impossible to monitor. I would say the bottomfeeders rule should work on the premise of. 

If your the sort of slimeball thats gonna rob a guy @ Iron trader for 500k, With insufficient roleplay. The person who is robbed should be able to do a compensation request. If the support staff deem that it wasnt good enough the robbed person gets the money. The robber has the money taken from his bank?  
It is hard to monitor but I've seen some unban appeals that have conditions like no firearms for a week. So if it's worked before I'm sure it can work again.

The amount of fucking times I've been told "one more fucking word and you're dead" is ridiculous.... It's down right disgusting, no chance to roleplay... 

I'm not salty but this happened to me more than thrice from the same guy... Even when I've told him that he surrounded... I try to tell him to surrender and we can negotiate or why he is doing that but straight up dead.... 

Just had a thought - Can someone tag a high up Police in this?

How about a new law called - Conduct Unbecoming Of An Altis Citizen.

This gives the cops an in-game way to give out tickets for things like crap roleplay, inappropriate swearing and and WTF stuff like doing dance/ninja emotes in the middle of the road in Kavala. I'm all for a bit of swearing, but it's a bit much when you are in a NHS uniform, walk past a truck and the owner shouts 'Get the f*** away from my truck you C*** '. It's like.. Woah, Settle down dude (I won't name names) - If you shouted that in real life you'd get punched.

Perhaps make it so that only a certain level of cop can do those tickets, and also cops that are trusted in the community to make the right call on roleplay standards and if swearing is warranted.
