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Rules Feedback

Hello people i have been thinking a lot about this and id like to get your opinions too.

So the rule i have been thinking about is called FEARRP,  So lets say i pull a gun on you and yours is on your back you shouldnt be allowed to pull yours because i already have the upper hand on you and realistically if you pull yours when i have mine already drawn your pretty much dead in a real life scenario but i figured it just stops people automatically drawing there gun when your trying to initiate and they pull theres and be like or what etc also i think it will create more roleplay in certain situations

Remember this is rules feedback not a roasting sesh so voice opinions 

To be honest I think it should be more of a guideline rather than a bannable offense as people can roleplay that their character is fearless and stuff like that, similarly to the Police Guideline (Rule of 1:3)

To be honest I think it should be more of a guideline rather than a bannable offense as people can roleplay that their character is fearless and stuff like that, similarly to the Police Guideline (Rule of 1:3)
I agree but in a real life situation if am robbing a guy and he goes to draw a weapon hes gunna get killed without a doubt

Hello people i have been thinking a lot about this and id like to get your opinions too.

So the rule i have been thinking about is called FEARRP,  So lets say i pull a gun on you and yours is on your back you shouldnt be allowed to pull yours because i already have the upper hand on you and realistically if you pull yours when i have mine already drawn your pretty much dead in a real life scenario but i figured it just stops people automatically drawing there gun when your trying to initiate and they pull theres and be like or what etc also i think it will create more roleplay in certain situations

Remember this is rules feedback not a roasting sesh so voice opinions 
I think it would be a good idea but it's still a game so -1 but maybe not allowed to initiate when there is someone aiming at you because it's almost a certain death anyways ?

I saw that somebody was banned for telling someone to 'hang themselves' in RP. I'm confused as to what the rules are regarding saying this / similar things are. 

I personally don't see why it should be a problem so long as it is strictly within RP. It isn't nice saying 'ill blow you're head off', 'I will kill you', 'I will shoot you', 'I will kill your family', 'you're a cunt' etc so how is the above different?  

It seems we are moving towards any sort of in-game insult or threat now results in a ban and any sort of PC rules will be the death of this server.

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I saw that somebody was banned for telling someone to 'hang themselves' in RP. I'm confused as to what the rules are regarding saying this / similar things are. 

I personally don't see why it should be a problem so long as it is strictly within RP. 

I saw that somebody was banned for telling someone to 'hang themselves' in RP. I'm confused as to what the rules are regarding saying this / similar things are. 

I personally don't see why it should be a problem so long as it is strictly within RP. It isn't nice saying 'ill blow you're head off', 'I will kill you', 'I will shoot you', 'I will kill your family', 'you're a cunt' etc so how is the above different?  

It seems we are moving towards any sort of in-game insult or threat now results in a ban and any sort of PC rules will be the death of this server.

When knowing that there is an active gunfight, those unarmed/not involved should try and get as far aswell as possible. I am saying that this rule - if implemented - would not be an expection to shoot everyone in the area, however I am tired of people calling others to teamspeak because they were shot in an active gunfight. If you are in rebel clothing, running around, in a tense gunfight your asking to be shot and even though it is not a rule, your not doing much to value/save your life. 

I have also witnessed people abusing this. For example a gunfight at boats erupted and someone with a hemmett full of blood diamonds were running around, acting reckless knowing it was an active gunfight. Because they knew they had no chance of selling the diamonds, they used there actions to get shot then asked for the compensation of their Hemett.

Like I already stated, this should not be an exception to shoot unarmed people, however some sort of rule for one should be implanted for people to value their life. Hopefully someone can come along and simplify what I am trying to say xD


When knowing that there is an active gunfight, those unarmed/not involved should try and get as far aswell as possible. I am saying that this rule - if implemented - would not be an expection to shoot everyone in the area, however I am tired of people calling others to teamspeak because they were shot in an active gunfight. If you are in rebel clothing, running around, in a tense gunfight your asking to be shot and even though it is not a rule, your not doing much to value/save your life. 

I have also witnessed people abusing this. For example a gunfight at boats erupted and someone with a hemmett full of blood diamonds were running around, acting reckless knowing it was an active gunfight. Because they knew they had no chance of selling the diamonds, they used there actions to get shot then asked for the compensation of their Hemett.

Like I already stated, this should not be an exception to shoot unarmed people, however some sort of rule for one should be implanted for people to value their life. Hopefully someone can come along and simplify what I am trying to say xD

+1 I am tired of "hobo tactics" hobo gangs use these days.

I saw that somebody was banned for telling someone to 'hang themselves' in RP. I'm confused as to what the rules are regarding saying this / similar things are. 

I personally don't see why it should be a problem so long as it is strictly within RP. It isn't nice saying 'ill blow you're head off', 'I will kill you', 'I will shoot you', 'I will kill your family', 'you're a cunt' etc so how is the above different?  

It seems we are moving towards any sort of in-game insult or threat now results in a ban and any sort of PC rules will be the death of this server.
Due to the history of online events having a real life impact on some who are more vulnerable than others, Due care and attention must be paid as if for example I were to play and my depression being a big player aswell as other things within my mind/life I could forget that it Is in "RP" and my emotions become uncontrollable I could be led to take that as something I should do in "real life", however that is an example as I have many things to support me in my wellbeing but not everybody is as fortunate in that they have very little to no support.

I wouldn't want someone to take that type of rp and then act on it in real life it would be devastating to both their families/friends and their own lives and also to this community. Sorry to dampen your hopes but that is the reality of our world today. -1

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"I've got friends in the area" Does something like this need to be said? Why would anyone say this in a gun fight?

Due to the history of online events having a real life impact on some who are more vulnerable than others, Due care and attention must be paid as if for example I were to play and my depression being a big player aswell as other things within my mind/life I could forget that it Is in "RP" and my emotions become uncontrollable I could be led to take that as something I should do in "real life", however that is an example as I have many things to support me in my wellbeing but not everybody is as fortunate in that they have very little to no support.

I wouldn't want someone to take that type of rp and then act on it in real life it would be devastating to both their families/friends and their own lives and also to this community. Sorry to dampen your hopes but that is the reality of our world today. -1
I know how you feel about this, however, at the end of the day, it is a game. Although it's not good to say things like that and of course someone could take it personally/seriously, I think you should be allowed to say it. If you feel like you may take something said in roleplay seriously in real life then I don't think you should be playing the game. If people aren't allowed to say this, then you could say that initiation in roleplay and killing someone may lead to people doing it in real life. It is a game and things said shouldn't be taken seriously, and the person playing should know that. I wouldn't want someone to take that type of RP and then act on it in real life either, however, I think it's very unlikely anyone would, and on top of that think that people should know they shouldn't. Overall this example is similar to saying that Arma 3 is a shooter, and should be banned because people may go around killing each other in real life. It's unrealistic to do assume something like this, and as I said previously people should understand that it's just a game.

"I've got friends in the area" Does something like this need to be said? Why would anyone say this in a gun fight?
First of all to let them know that they are outnumbered and will probably end up surrendering, second of all if you have allies around they can open fire if you initiate with either "i have friends in the area" or "I have allies in the area". If you do not initiate with that you got people in the area the allies can not shoot, and if so it is considered RDM :)

First of all to let them know that they are outnumbered and will probably end up surrendering, second of all if you have allies around they can open fire if you initiate with either "i have friends in the area" or "I have allies in the area". If you do not initiate with that you got people in the area the allies can not shoot, and if so it is considered RDM :)
but whos going to say that ever irl. no one, you just kill a guy, i can only see this working on police as they have the 3-1 rule

but whos going to say that ever irl. no one, you just kill a guy, i can only see this working on police as they have the 3-1 rule
When are you gonna initiate IRL aswell though if you have intentions of killing the man.

Just saying that i could see this happening IRL aswell, the man robbing you says that you are outnumbered and have to put your hands up, but yea i get ya

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Proposed addition to:

[SIZE=medium](5.4) When you are revived/downed:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]You may not actively enter or continue any combat situation for the next 15 minutes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Your character retains all knowledge of the time before they are downed.[/SIZE]

While you are downed you may not divulge tactical information to anyone. The exception to this is information spoken in direct chat in game. Please be mindful that you are heavily injured and should act accordingly.
ADD (5.4.1):

If you are revived by a member of the NHS, you are to remain in medical custody of that medic until they release you. This means that you must listen to everything the medic says, and do what they say, until the NHS member is satisfied that the role-play has reached a conclusion.


I think this is necessary to help with the flow of RP, and encourage more complex RP situations. There are times when attempts to RP are essentially refused, and I've watched, and been part of, situations where the downed person has been shot (even admitted it in RP) but when they have been revived have promptly treated themselves (the medic didn't to make the RP better with the injured animations, etc.) and ran off. This, to me, is incredibly frustrating and should be viewed as exploiting the ArmA mechanics and/or breaking RP: if you've been shot, then you've been shot! Act appropriately! Let the NHS have their RP too! Don't say that you've "tripped over a rock" if I'm digging bloody bullets out of you!

I am, however, open to tweaks to this proposal. This is just a first draft.

Proposed addition to:

ADD (5.4.1):

If you are revived by a member of the NHS, you are to remain in medical custody of that medic until they release you. This means that you must listen to everything the medic says, and do what they say, until the NHS member is satisfied that the role-play has reached a conclusion.


I think this is necessary to help with the flow of RP, and encourage more complex RP situations. There are times when attempts to RP are essentially refused, and I've watched, and been part of, situations where the downed person has been shot (even admitted it in RP) but when they have been revived have promptly treated themselves (the medic didn't to make the RP better with the injured animations, etc.) and ran off. This, to me, is incredibly frustrating and should be viewed as exploiting the ArmA mechanics and/or breaking RP: if you've been shot, then you've been shot! Act appropriately! Let the NHS have their RP too! Don't say that you've "tripped over a rock" if I'm digging bloody bullets out of you!

I am, however, open to tweaks to this proposal. This is just a first draft.
The unfortunate thing though, Gurlanin, is that medic personnel have no power to hold you at the scene or indeed at the hospital. You have every right to refuse treatment if you so wish. There are certain laws that allow for the power to be removed from that person, however that usually involves the police and such from what I am aware (may be mental health related and similar cases).

Personally I don't always get this from the genpop, and frankly I don't care what they claim happened to them. If they've been shot and they explain some scenario that's a little bit whacky and they claim their injuries wasn't a bullet/RTA/malnutrition etc, I think there are more opportunities to be gained from that [whacky scenario] as you must then act off the top of your head to react to whatever scenario that person comes up with (tripping over rocks though is poor, from a medical point of view, there can be many indicators that can cause a trip (brain, inner ear balances, sight) beyond being a clumsy twit!). which comes back to "making something out of nothing"

Then there's the point about 15 minute rule. If you've been waiting for a medic for x amount of minutes, once you're up that's your 15 minutes started so why would you then quickly rush off to whatever may have their attention when potentially that can get them a ban for breaking that rule. Seems silly to me they'd risk that. Chill, get your bearings and enjoy the RP!

Having said all that, if you're not interested in the roleplay, I will still give you a decent experience, but at least that selfishness allows me to then go treat someone else that may provide an even better and prolonged experience.

This is a difficult one.

I know how you feel about this, however, at the end of the day, it is a game. Although it's not good to say things like that and of course someone could take it personally/seriously, I think you should be allowed to say it. If you feel like you may take something said in roleplay seriously in real life then I don't think you should be playing the game. If people aren't allowed to say this, then you could say that initiation in roleplay and killing someone may lead to people doing it in real life. It is a game and things said shouldn't be taken seriously, and the person playing should know that. I wouldn't want someone to take that type of RP and then act on it in real life either, however, I think it's very unlikely anyone would, and on top of that think that people should know they shouldn't. Overall this example is similar to saying that Arma 3 is a shooter, and should be banned because people may go around killing each other in real life. It's unrealistic to do assume something like this, and as I said previously people should understand that it's just a game.

I would love to see a couple more rules being added for Gangs to try and fix a problem that I think is a big one in the community currently..

I think the below rules would benefit everyone on the Community.
1 - Everyone, including rebels must value their life at all times.
2 - Gangs should be limited to 12 Gang members on each server at one given time, this way it makes it more fair for other groups with lower numbers, including police, etc.
3 - 3 v 1 Rule, anyone who is at a disadvantage and surrounded at gun point 3v1 should have to surrender and value their life, it does not make sense that someone who is out numbered by more than 3 people should decide to die and attempt to gun everyone down instead of role playing the situation out.
4 - The Initiation rule seems very very strict and should maybe be relaxed a little? For example, in a situation where someone is robbing your vehicle and is able to get the keys and start driving off, why should you have to chase after him in order to initiate on his tires? If he drives away in your vehicle, you should be allowed to at least shoot his tires without chasing him for 3 hours in order to initiate..

Adding in these rules and adjusting others in my opinion will encourage all groups to roleplay more instead of thinking that they have 20 members, they are unstoppable and go for the gunfight every time..

Everyone member should value their life in game, once again adding more roleplay situations to the game, this will also be encouraged by the 3 v 1 rule.

This is simply my opinion, I'm not looking for disrespect from anyone or unhelpful comments in reply.

I would love to see a couple more rules being added for Gangs to try and fix a problem that I think is a big one in the community currently..

I think the below rules would benefit everyone on the Community.
1 - Everyone, including rebels must value their life at all times.
2 - Gangs should be limited to 12 Gang members on each server at one given time, this way it makes it more fair for other groups with lower numbers, including police, etc.
3 - 3 v 1 Rule, anyone who is at a disadvantage and surrounded at gun point 3v1 should have to surrender and value their life, it does not make sense that someone who is out numbered by more than 3 people should decide to die and attempt to gun everyone down instead of role playing the situation out.
4 - The Initiation rule seems very very strict and should maybe be relaxed a little? For example, in a situation where someone is robbing your vehicle and is able to get the keys and start driving off, why should you have to chase after him in order to initiate on his tires? If he drives away in your vehicle, you should be allowed to at least shoot his tires without chasing him for 3 hours in order to initiate..

Adding in these rules and adjusting others in my opinion will encourage all groups to roleplay more instead of thinking that they have 20 members, they are unstoppable and go for the gunfight every time..

Everyone member should value their life in game, once again adding more roleplay situations to the game, this will also be encouraged by the 3 v 1 rule.

This is simply my opinion, I'm not looking for disrespect from anyone or unhelpful comments in reply.
