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Should we really have a Red-Zone?

- Carl -

Well-known member
Sweden, Uppsala
To be honest re-adding the red-zone pisses me off. I could agree to a small zone but not having a big part of the map as a red-zone where you can kill whoever you want on sight. This server is made for role-play and I would rather have that then shooting people randomly. Now whiles having red zone is fun there are other things you can play like King of The Hill or Wasteland. I bet people are going to be saying the reason there should be red-zone because there are all the rebel territories like for example the outposts and stuff, but would that also mean that the drug fields are also rebel territory? But overall I just think that red-zone is not somebody you should have on a role-play server.

Post you're thoughts below. I would like to see other people's opinions. 

Redzones are great places for gangs to blow off some steam and fight each other. And the Altis map is fucking huge, so i don´t see anything bad with using a part of it for a redzone (As there is places where there will is nothing to do anyways). It also might help people provide better rp elsewhere.

I want a redzone, not a large area, but perhaps a smaller area with one or two outposts. 

In my opinion, I do not think we should have a redzone to be honest, why can't people just go on the Exile server if they want to "blow off steam", its got a perfect mod for kill on site gameplay, I feel that the addition of the redzone was completely unneeded in the first place, and adding it back seems to be both a waste of time, and a waste of potential RP space.

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redzone = no rp...

Not needed on a Serious RP server....

No redzone creates RP opportunities.

There isn't much to do on the south-east side (where the two outposts are located) so there wont be that much rp. People only go there to buy gear and leave straight away. So in my opinion a red-zone wont make that much of a difference. It makes people more aware when they go to one of those outposts. What i would like to see is when a gang base will be implemented that a small area around the gang base is redzone. Just like the blackmarket was.

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To give an opinion from the more Police side regarding redzones it is not a great feature to have especially since most of the time when we begin chasing someone near the airport for example the first place they go towards is south into Prygros and the onto the border and sit on the hill and then look down at the officers that moments ago had to stop chasing them as they entered the redzone and of course cannot purse without authorization which really only occurs in rare occasions. This mean that the rebels can then just drive away and go north again anywhere along the border and there is no RP situation that occurs now but at the moment with the fact there is no redzone like that RP cannot be just avoided like that anymore and I have seen and been apart of some amazing roleplay situation that occurred as we are not forced to stop any chases.

This is just my view upon it from the Police side and of course others will have different views but hopefully we can find a good solution for the redzone situation, maybe if it is added back having a new rule that stops people using the redzone as a way to avoid roleplay situation with any Police chasing them.

I originally said yes, but having seen the opinions of everyone here I believe we shouldn't have a redbone. It's a serious RP server, and if you want to just kill people either rob the treasury, take a cop hostage or just go on exile/one of the countless wasteland servers.

There isn't much to do on the south-east side (where the two outposts are located) so there wont be that much rp. People only go there to buy gear and leave straight away. So in my opinion a red-zone wont make that much of a difference. It makes people more aware when they go to one of those outposts. What i would like to see is when a gang base will be implemented that a small area around the gang base is redzone. Just like the blackmarket was.
Now Skyzzem, I agree with you on the point with a small redzone by the gangs bases, and when you said "it wouldn't make much of a difference if we had a red-zone. Whiles I sort of agree with you there but a major part of this server is about roleplay and in my opinion every little bit of RP counts. That is why I agree with @Valen Bell because it will give police officers to roleplay in those areas as well. But a big problem in my opinion with the red-zone would be that people would be looking for fights. You said that most people go there to buy gear, whiles that is true a lot of people do different things like for example. 

1. They can go around in ifritts or armed offroad's and just spray down whoever they like.

2. People could do this without worrying about cops because they need higher ups permission to get into red-zone

3. They could also use it to exploit the fact that officers need higher ups to give them permission to go into red-zone so all rebels need to do is to just drive/fly into red-zone and then they are "safe"

I think it is great that ALUK now has an Exile server, people could have fun on that and "blow off steam" there instead of altislife.co.uk, because Altislife.co.uk is a strict roleplay server and I would like it to stay that way.

I think a redzone is not needed and not having one will make for better RP situations in my opion for the future I know we have a lot of rebel gangs on the server but there is nothing that can't be achived with good Roleplay 

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Small redzone covering the two outposts up to the mountains, It does not remove proper rp grounds and brings back the old gang fighting area

Small redzone covering the two outposts up to the mountains, It does not remove proper rp grounds and brings back the old gang fighting area
To be honest I think that having red-zone on outposts are bad because people can camp and rob people but, we should have red-zone in gang bases because that can bring back gang rivalry more or less :) But that is all in my opinion.

To be honest

The police can already not be in the UNMC Area without permission if the UNMC get implemented

Then we have a redzone again need permission while sometimes there are drug area's or outposts where the police comes to

in my opinion its just a safezone for the rebels as we need to have permission so we can not get in the redzone so they just drive towards it and its really bad RP

How about a compromise: A gang area, where you may only KoS cops. A cop entering the area is seen as a trespass and KoS is authorized. This could create some exciting RP for the Police, without creating an area entirely devoted to civilians killing each other.

There should be reasons for the Police to enter there though, which would require some additional thought.

I don't see the point in creating a section that will virtually be wasteland, if you want to 'blow off steam' then go and actually play wasteland.. If you want to 'blow off steam' you're probably not in the state to be playing on a roleplay server at that time as it may cloud your judgment in RP scenarios..

The redzone means literally nothing but 'Kill On Sight', which isn't exactly what a ROLEPLAY server is about.. If you're going to kill someone and ruin their day, at least put in some damn effort..

How about we kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Not a big red zone - but a no mans land in between the UNMC sovereign territory and the United Kingdom. The road is the only safe transport route however drug smugglers will then have to imagine ways of smuggling drugs through the border by boat for instance, SO not a redzone but more of a no mans land.

How about we kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Not a big red zone - but a no mans land in between the UNMC sovereign territory and the United Kingdom. The road is the only safe transport route however drug smugglers will then have to imagine ways of smuggling drugs through the border by boat for instance, SO not a redzone but more of a no mans land.
Incorporating it in to something useful towards RP like this would be a decent idea
