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Altis Life UK Clothing

If u buy the blue hoodie just get a police vest too. now u r a PCSO congratz

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16 items sold!

awesome stuff guys and gals! make sure you send in those pictures when they arrive!

@zaF was there a sexual exchange ?

Nah, when I ordered my Battle Royale T-Shirt it was delivered with a mark on the arm. TeeSpring said I could get another shirt free. Contacted them about this and they have refunded me so I can buy it :).

By the way look how beautiful this shirt is:


Perfect timing i am in need off hodie's so i orderd one its gonna fit nice together whit the arma 3 spesial edition t-shirt i will get deliverd soon too. :D

I hope to wear the T shirt to the "Run Reigate" half marathon where I'm performing!

Anyone getting the Hoodie in M? I wan't to get it too but because it's for man I am not sure if M is too big .. and if I get S I gonna look like a Sausage  :D

@Wilco, any chance of having a flat cap printed in the future?

Brought a Black top and also a Hot Pink hoodie lol :D

Thinking of doing a give away (1 hoodie and like 3 tops) only thing is people would need to send me their addresses so i don't think it would work  :Confused:

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@Wilco, any chance of having a flat cap printed in the future?

Brought a Black top and also a Hot Pink hoodie lol :D

Thinking of doing a give away (1 hoodie and like 3 tops) only thing is people would need to send me their addresses so i don't think it would work :S 
You just hope for me to win so you can stalk me Adam  :p :Love:

@Wilco, any chance of having a flat cap printed in the future?

Brought a Black top and also a Hot Pink hoodie lol :D

Thinking of doing a give away (1 hoodie and like 3 tops) only thing is people would need to send me their addresses so i don't think it would work :S 
I am sure people will send addresses for a giveaway, Other option is they can send it to me and i can assure them you wont go round there house before i send it to you! lol

You just hope for me to win so you can stalk me Adam  :p :Love:
Thats what i was thinking when i replied, but to be honest we already know hes stalking you!
