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Unban Appeal - Matthew Labile - GTA RP

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Matthew Labile

Well-known member
The Block

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Matthew Labile
Steam ID: 76561199154044237
Ban ID (just the numbers): rpuk16085
Ban Reason: G1.2 RDM and G1.7 Community leaders
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned under the rule G1.2 (RDM) for attacking another player without high quality roleplay and the community leaders rule. Aztecas and Cutlass were in a war which lasted for many months where which Aztecas carried out a planned attack on the arcade (Cutlass turf). At the time I was under the impression that KOS war rules were in place, but I later found out that they weren’t. This was a misjudgment on my end and I willingly own up to the fact the RP I provided before shooting wasn’t acceptable and isn’t the standard of RP you should see on the server. For that I’d like to apologize to the people effected in that scenario.
Why should we unban you: I believe I should be unbanned as this specific situation was a genuine mistake and lapse of judgement on my end. I got confused with the war rules and due to the increasing level of violence and escalation within the war I believed there was enough story to warrant KOS as we had been on the receiving end of similar RP. However, in this situation I was wrong and the attack wasn’t of the quality roleplay that I am capable of providing. If I was in this situation again I would definitely handle this situation differently whether this was taking the Cutlass member hostage, roleplaying out a robbery or even just taunting the Cutlass member into escalating the situation. Any of these options would have made it more enjoyable for the other party and this is something that I plan on doing if I am ever placed in a similar situation in the future.

It has been over 2 months since I’ve been banned and I won’t lie I have missed playing the server. As I’m sure people know, it is a place that I put a lot of time and effort into. I’m ashamed to be here again as this isn’t the standard which I set for myself. I know I can be a positive member of the community and that I can provide high quality roleplay, I feel there’s people that can vouch for this. I’m aware I don’t have the cleanest record throughout my time on RPUK and I know that I can and should be doing better than what I displayed in this situation. It was genuinely just a misjudgment on my end and for that I can only apologise and ensure you that something like this won’t happen again.

I agree with your reply on my previous appeal that my standard of roleplay did drop in the previous 6 months leading up to my ban. I take full accountability for this and the 2-month cooldown has made me realise this more. The time away was definitely needed and has granted me the time to assess my bans and realise exactly where I went wrong in each individual situation and how I can improve in the future. I’m aware I won’t be allowed an infinite number of chances and that I have messed up a lot. I’d just love another opportunity to show that I can and will do better.

I’ve been on the server for around 3 years now and I know the level of roleplay I can provide. If given the opportunity to return I would like to show the staff team and the RPUK player base the high quality RP that I am capable of providing. I really miss the community and the people, I’d love to return to be able to engage more with the community again. I miss roleplaying with members of the community and the stories that can be created.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good afternoon @Matthew Labile

I hope all is well today :)

It is a shame to see you here, you have been a member of this community for a long time as you have said yourself so you'd assume you would understand these rules very well?

You say you were under the impression that it was KOS, what gave you this impression? Was there a break down in communication that gave you this impression?

Why had your standard of roleplay gone down in the months leading up to your ban?
Good evening @Jessie Bennett

I trust all is well for you also.

Now what gave me that impression is that's how the war started with war rules but the rules chopped and changed due to cutlass being unhappy at certain things to where it ultimately changed to no KOS which obviously I completely forgot and made a mistake, I take full responsibility for this and now know for future reference to always double check war rules before participating in any sort of gang war granted I get a chance to return.

I feel I still had good scenarios and brought enjoyment to other players via roleplaying throughout the server leading up to my ban it was just a couple of scenarios that I messed up in 2 of them being the same thing I believe (RDM ban via cutlass war). However I know I am definitely capable of better and this ban and cool down has more than gave me a wake up call to do better, I know I need to do better and lead by example which hopefully would push other I rp with or in my group/ friends to do better and overall help try improve the quality of role-play throughout the server
Good afternoon @Matthew Labile

I am well thank you

So going forward you say you will be checking all war rules before entering any gang war, wouldn't that become tiring? How can you ensure that this is something you can stay true to?

You have been a member of this community for a very long time, it seems like there is some trouble understanding some of the basic rules? It is a concern we would expect someone who has been apart of the community for this long would understand a lot of these rules so what would be different if you were to be unbanned? What roleplay are you going to provide?
Hi Jessie,

From my experience war rules are established between the leaders of the fighting groups once the "beef" has been confirmed to have escalated to a "war" and communicated down to the other members of the gang as soon as they (the war rules) are set. As I am in a high up position within my gang, I am privvy to war rules as they are being set. This means I can ensure my full understanding of the war rules as they are being set and discussed to make sure there is no confusion further down the line.

The incident that led me to be here is because during the Azteca's most recent war, the war rules were constantly changing. Sometimes KOS was agreed and other times it wasn't. It definitely wasn't easy always keeping up with the ever changing agreement we had. I would like to add that this wasn't something I have experienced previously as during other wars, if war rules were changed then everyone was informed as soon as the change was made. However it was such a hassle with Cutlass to set war rules that I stopped being apart of the liaise for war rules however we've since started to pin beef/ war rules within our discord so its quite easy to check and be up to date

I understand your concerns when it comes to this happening again. I can assure you that moving forward I will make sure that I prioritise server rules over any war rules as this is my responsibility as a member of this community. This would make sure that I don't break a very simple rule like RDM in the future and also ensure that the RP is fun for all parties involved. I understand that war rules do not at any point trump server rules and even if KOS had been established, it is well within anyone's rights to report for RDM as war rules are more of a "gentlemen's agreement" so to speak.

My plans for providing role-play if I return is to continue with Matthew Labile now I always have options for different role-play down the line but I'm not to interested in cop role-play as I had a cop a while ago and if I'm honest I didn't really enjoy it. I would however be up for trying do G6, if my memory serves me correct I had sent an application a while ago to which it was read whilst I was in game with Alistair and he did hire me and I believe plan on accepting it and getting somebody to do initiation or basic training I believe but unfortunately my character had got downed and it spoiled the role-play as Alistair either got occupied elsewhere or had to log off which for me was a bit disheartening and kinda put me off following up with him to see if I could continue with that role-play.
Good afternoon @Matthew Labile

I hope all is well today :)

What would the plan be for 'Matthew Labile'? Where would you want his roleplay to head?

If I were to give you another chance on the server it would come with some conditions;
- This would be your last chance. You have had many bans, how many chances do you expect to be given?
- You would be required to have a character join a legal faction, this can be Police, NHS, G6 or Park Rangers and keep up with the hour requirement for 3 months (I will be checking) (This is not a character lock but more playing along side each other) This would allow you to explore other avenues of roleplay.

Would you agree to these conditions above?
Good afternoon @Jessie Bennett

I'm well thank you, I hope you are to!

My plan for Matthew would for now be to try help the activity and role-play of the gang as since I've been banned I've heard the gang has gone quite inactive, so that are what my plans are as of right now and it will be time consuming as running a gang can often be quite tricky.

I appreciate another chance thank you, Can I ask what the hour requirement would be? Like I said previously G6 is something I'd happily do but having a quota seems tedious as it could force me to play the server when I don't want to, but if it's the only way to get unbanned then I will do it as I do miss the server/ community. Can I also ask how the procedure for this will go, will it go like normal where I have to send of an application or would it be different where I would already have the submit stage skipped and just need to communicate with G6 for a introduction, training etc.
Hello @Matthew Labile

I am well thank you!
I believe there has been a misunderstanding on these conditions. These conditions would be in place if you were to be unbanned and not that you are unbanned.

The hour requirement is depending on what faction you join, the only hours that you would have to do is the required hours set by the faction which is mentioned in the conditions above. For the procedure you would apply to any of the 4 listed above and go through the application, interview and the induction. Given that the other options were 1) you remain banned or 2) 'Matthew Labile' would be locked for at least 3 months I think the conditions listed above are quite fair.

Do you agree to the conditions listed above?
Hello @Matthew Labile

Let's get back in to this appeal, why have your standards dropped over the recent months? How can you be sure they do not drop like this again if you were to be unbanned?
Hello again @Jessie Bennett I appreciate the quick responses!

I think my standards dropped because I'd played for the past like 2 years and I lost my creativity on what to do and I probably should've taken a break however I didn't and that led me down a bad route which ended in me receiving bans within quick succession.

I'm sure they won't drop if I am to be unbanned is because I've had a break and have a fresh mindset and feel my creativity is back and now I know if I'm to go down this route again I should take a step back and take a break to reset my mindset.
Good evening @Matthew Labile

I hope all is well :)

What made you not take a break this time and how would you ensure you take a break when it seems necessary? What would make this time different to any other time? With how many bans you have received you can appreciate my hesitation on this, you have been a member of this community for a long time and would know that breaks are healthy and you would know the best steps to take when you feel like a break is needed.

I look forward to your response on clearing this up
Hello @Jessie Bennett

I'm well thanks, how're you?

What made me not take a break prior was a few things to be honest, I wasn't really invested in many other games or any other things. However it would be different this time as I've found some new interests in games and recently had some irl commitments I need to tend to so I won't have as much time as I recently did to play the server. I also now know that once I feel my role-play is lacking creativity in scenarios or I'm just logging on for the sake of it I'll know a break is needed to refresh me, so I will take a little break and return with a fresh mentality. Something I've thought about is taking frequent short breaks to prevent me from not only going down this route again but also to ensure I remain in a positive mindset.
Good afternoon @Matthew Labile , I hope all is well with you? :)

I'm glad to hear that you're aware of when a break will be needed moving forward as it will definitely avoid us heading into this situation again.

where it ultimately changed to no KOS which obviously I completely forgot and made a mistake
As much as I appreciate this was a mistake, you are second in command. Surely the gang leads are the people who would know the rules better than everyone else?
I don't understand how someone can forget some of the very few war rules set in place.

now know for future reference to always double check war rules before participating in any sort of gang war granted I get a chance to return.
I'm glad you'll also be checking these moving forward, which will again avoid us heading into this situation.
But what had made you overlook this prior? This mindset has only been since receiving a ban?
Good afternoon @Danoo, I'm well thank you, how're you?

I 100% agree I am high up within my gang and should be doing a lot better with war rules, as well as setting an example to the rest of the gang. I take full responsibility for this mistake and have already apologised to the other group via the forums and it's definitely something I will ensure I don't let happen again. I don't want to make excuses for myself because at the end of the day I should be leading by example and doing a lot better.

It wasn't that I overlooked the war rules so to speak it was more of we had multiple liaisons with the other group (not to mention the war lasted for almost 6 months) always changing or struggling to reach a resolution to new war rules, now this isn't me saying they are to blame for me getting banned it was a mutual lack of resolution on new war rules between both parties even when we had @Nikolai present, I'm sure if you ask he can back up there was lengthy discussions where it was either a back n forth on new war rules or we'd struggle to reach an agreement.

I would disagree with this becoming my mindset since receiving the ban, I've always double checked war rules prior to logging on, but I hadn't updated the war rules that's why I presumed it was still KOS, I made a mistake and I feel I've definitely learnt from it
Good afternoon @Matthew Labile

I hope all is well today!

After looking at your responses and the agreed conditions above I am happy to give you this final chance on the server.

I will write down a bit more detail of them here.
- You are to join a legal faction (Police, NHS, G6 or Park rangers) and do the required hours for at least 3 months

- This is your last chance, any more permanent bans and you will not be given another chance.

Any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent and you'd have blown you final chance here as we will not keep dealing with appeal after appeal from you.

Any ban after the FBS resets will be as normal, however, please remember the above as we will still not continue to give you chance after chance.

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