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The Salt Guild

(ASR) GhostFire

Banned for Advertising
On a pile of Salt somewhere
Was thinking of creating a civilian salt miners guild or company where ppl could join at a cost and as long as they have their own pick axe can rent trucks of different sizes and costs and then,

By using this company we would offer security and safe passage throughout the salt mining to traders process.

With the local cartel offering complete armed security hopefully balancing along the line of the law so not to draw to much attention from the police.

We could offer priority over any non guild members (local cartel removing non guild miners by gentle persuasion).

Sounds great .... but these things don`t come cheap trucks cost money and the fuel , admin costs and of course bullets n guns these cartel guys are used to a high standard of living so their hired guns aint gonna be cheap.So expect to be losing big chunk of a days mining in costs (nobody gets rich quick).

Let me know what you guys think.

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Cool all positive so far ,

the guild will sort out the running of admin paper work allocations of trucks assets etc giving new ppl  and old a chance to make an honest buck. 

I envisage possible ride along security with armed convoy trucks,

aswell as heli response resuce units,

including covert sniper observation posts along route.... 

Of course i dont expect it to go unchallenged with rival cartel/rebel incursions along with the odd ave ago robbers,

but all in all should hopefully work out pretty good if we get the chance to set up and grow.

Possibly with the odd kick back to the authorities for their heads focusing on other things in Altis and not us :)

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I like the sound of this, might really make it a bit more of a secure and consistent income for some people. Also great chance for some tense stand off's and negotiations with guild and non-guild members.

(For example do you help the person struggling along if the guy your covering is nearby / coming soon or do you let him take the hit so the robbers are satisfied :p )

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My thoughts exactly iexus ... rather than rebels and the like just preying on anyone that crosses their path a little more thought into the situation needed and exactly who they are preying on :)

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Sounds like a brilliant idea, your chauffeur/private pilot will definitely be happy to contribute.
