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Advanced rebel
Name of player your reporting (ingame name): SPC Simon
Description of what happened: They had "SitDown" has a hostage. He tells them to let him go or be shot. They put him into a hunter. I open fire on the tires and get VDMed by Mr SPC Simon.
"Outside Green zones
VDM = Instant Ban (Killing by using a vehicle is VDM)"

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: 
Didn't get much out of it apart from him blaming his fellow cops.
Value of item/money lost: 350k Ifrit got scrapped. Zafir and gear.
Ain't taking any money. Apparently I logg out to save gear. Ill show I aint trying to save shit.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
Screenshot confirming driver: http://i.imgur.com/HLYzuNo.jpg
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and you hadn't broken NLR to get there, also where did you get that gillie suit from is you had just died?

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Pointless report, LoA Cool always disconnects to save gear and breaks NLR, at a bank job last week he broke NLR twice.

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Pointless report, LoA Cool always disconnects to save gear and breaks NLR, at a bank job last week he broke NLR twice.
What is this? I've never disconnected in combat you don't have a single proof on this? WHAT IS THIS ACCUSEMENT? SAYING THAT I LOGG OUT TO SAVE GEAR?! I got 11 mill and I am trowing with my money. You think I would logg out for 50k? 

Have a look at this and tell me again that I logg out to save gear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-9o6IhY7iM

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What is this? I've never disconnected in combat you don't have a single proof on this? WHAT IS THIS ACCUSEMENT? SAYING THAT I LOGG OUT TO SAVE GEAR?! I got 11 mill and I am trowing with my money. You think I would logg out for 50k? 

Have a look at this and tell me again that I logg out to save gear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-9o6IhY7iM
I was at the bank job and you did it twice, you came back after dieing after the 2nd time you killed me, but I have given up on reporting people, I only record when someone asks me too. 

Just because you dont do it every time does not mean you dont do it,

anyway Its not my report im out.

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I was at the bank job and you did it twice, you came back after dieing after the 2nd time you killed me, but I have given up on reporting people, I only record when someone asks me too. 
If you don't have any proof then don't talk shit about any from LoA! Perhaps you should read the new guidance for "Report a player". Stick to the post now. If you got any problems then at least bring some proof and make your own threads haha

NVM the last part. Suddenly he changed his post ^-^

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Post your opinions or proof. I'll be requesting a lock in 24 hours. I cant be bothered with all these buthurt cops.

Cool... there is no such thing as a fucking safe zone, learn the difference, the cops have every right to pursue us into the VIP island, and nobody has the right to shoot with lethals INSIDE the VIP zone, they can use rubber bullet, tazers etc, we are pretty much fucked if we are being chased inside there, so that video makes no sense what so ever... both sides fired so technically those guys should get a warning or ban o_O  I'm just saying, if it's a TFU mission then go speak to MITCH. I believe they have no reason to go in there without any grounds. Maybe they where hunting somebody and you people where simply in the way? Like that PCSO guy in the video, he should do his freaking Moduel 5 again according to me. 


PS: My response was to the video above, love you all <3 No offense Cool ! :)  

Cool... there is no such thing as a fucking safe zone, learn the difference, the cops have every right to pursue us into the VIP island, and nobody has the right to shoot with lethals INSIDE the VIP zone, they can use rubber bullet, tazers etc, we are pretty much fucked if we are being chased inside there, so that video makes no sense what so ever... both sides fired so technically those guys should get a warning or ban o_O  I'm just saying, if it's a TFU mission then go speak to MITCH. I believe they have no reason to go in there without any grounds. Maybe they where hunting somebody and you people where simply in the way? Like that PCSO guy in the video, he should do his freaking Moduel 5 again according to me. 


PS: My response was to the video above, love you all <3 No offense Cool ! :)
Again. Keep to the topic. That video was simply to show that I ain't logging out to save shit.

Right then,

I'll begin by apologizing  for my briefness on team speak, I have little patience when people instantly tell me they will report me on top of that the abuse from the passenger in the car. Anyway that's a bit irrelevant.

So, for the benefit of anyone reading this let me just add the previous few minutes from my point of view. (Unfortunately I can't record having an eyefinity setup, but commando and and atomic penguin where there and can confirm) We saw a group of rebels preparing for what we assumed was a bank robbery (Several ifrits and a box hemtt on the donator island with lots of armed rebels congregating around them), We set up an ambush to stop the suspects (spike strips at the checkpoint with the barriers open) we positioned around checkpoint. Spiked the Ifrit. That is where the accused "RDM" in the second video in post #3 occurs. The information I got from the fellow officers at the time there was no issue with this. If you believed it was RDM you should have perhaps posted a 999 so all officers could see that. Anyway a firefight follows between us and the rebel group, Part way through we receive back up in the form of an armed officer in a hunter. I was killed in the firefight and after the remaining officers had dealt with the rebels I was revived. As we began tidying up the area we realized we were under fire from a sniper, after being revived I am now only carrying a side arm so I take over the hunter and we move up to the sniper and begin to work on getting him out of his location (upstairs in a building). Throughout this process I stayed in the hunter as 3 officers is enough to clear a building and there is no need to risk loosing an armored vehicle. Couldn't hear the conversation between the captured rebel and the police officers and I was given no information over teamspeak that such a warning had been given. 

Yet again due to the wonderful way eyefinity works with Arma I am forced to drive certain vehicles in first person as the camera positions incorrectly, for the hunter it positions at the back of the passenger cabin with little room to see over and the Hemtt Box camera ends up inside the Box. I'm sure some fellow officers will vouch for me that my driving is terrible and I couldn't have hit you if I tried and you were standing in front of the car, let alone standing behind it when driving in reverse and in first person. I was merely trying to get our prisoner back to HQ ASAP.
If that would have been someone not involved in the event that would have been killed then I would have had no problem jumping in a room with them on teamspeak and comping them for whatever they had lost in an adult manner. Unfortunately from my point of view as I explain further up you  were breaking NLR and as your screenshot of teamspeak shows nicely you had already decided what you were doing before trying to work things out before I had a chance to tab out of the game and read what you had written on TS. Add to that the generally unpleasant way our prisoner dealt with the situation and further equally unpleasant conduct by yourself on previous meetings I could see that you were uninterested in dealing with this without bring it here. I fail to see how "trying to resolve the issue before hand" is informing me you will report me. If you were so butt-hurt (As you so eloquently put it in #10) about what you lost I would have had no problem compensating you for what you lost, but that was never your intention. In future try to talk to people in an adult manner rather than resorting to the usual "Oh I'm reporting you". To be honest I feel you should atleast have the common courtesy to listen to the other persons point of view before announcing that you are reporting them, it is an unfortunate culture that has developed on this server which is nothing but detrimental. 

I have nothing more to add to this if an admin or anyone else would like to talk about this then I'm often on TS.

Lock thread please. 

You also told the guy in the car that you drove me down because I broke NLR.

I was merely trying to avoid the shit throwing that had already begun :) I offer you my sincerest apologies for the obvious offence caused. 

Certainly an interesting interpretation of what I did say, I did not say anything for quite a while in the car as I was talking on Teamspeak. After the repeated unpleasantness offered by your colleague in the Hunter I believe I said "I'll deal with him later, anyway he broke NLR" and then (as I've said earlier) by the time I get to look at the initial team speak message you've already announced you were reporting me :)

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