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  1. X

    Unban Appeal - XIXIXIXIXIXIXI - GTA RP

    No, i was neither. That would assume that i took money and gave it back which is wrong and not the reason as to why the ban even came in the first place. It really isn't that complicated. So I've denied being both the middleman and he beneficiary. If you were to somehow see transfer history of...
  2. X

    Unban Appeal - XIXIXIXIXIXIXI - GTA RP

    Did i give money away? Yes. Did i ask for it back or transfer it to my new character?  No. Im sure if you had a way to check you could see that. Im struggling to see how the rules were broken by this. 
  3. X

    Unban Appeal - XIXIXIXIXIXIXI - GTA RP

    When i read the rules, it stated that money cant be transferred between your 'own' characters. I assume this means between the 4 available that I own and not anyone else's?  When deleting one of my characters i felt generous and gave the remaining money i had away since i was never using it...
  4. X

    Unban Appeal - XIXIXIXIXIXIXI - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for XIXIXIXIXIXIXI  In-game Name: Joel Drake Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198353075926 Ban ID: !!rpuk12918!! Reason given for your ban: C2.2 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Giving money away before deleting an account Why should we unban you...
  5. X

    Unban Appeal - XIXIXIXIXIXIXI - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for XIXIXIXIXIXIXI  In-game Name: Joel Drake Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198353075926 Ban ID: !!rpuk12918!! Reason given for your ban: C2.2  In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Person tried to rob me. It was one on one. we both had knifes and i...
  6. X

    Report a player - 363 - GTA RP

    Like i said. im new to rp and i had difficulty remembering what NVL meant. i know the general rule of killing for no reason and valuing life etc. But as i stated, i didnt break the rule specifically. One on one, defending my self, both with blades. If u had a gun i would understand. U didnt tho...
  7. X

    Report a player - 363 - GTA RP

    Just a reminder of the rule since your clearly saying i don't know it. 'if you are clearly outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage you should comply with demands.' I was not outnumbered it was a one on one. It was not a disadvantage because both of us had knifes. I'm struggling to see what...
  8. X

    Deleting Character

    ah I see. thank you.
  9. X

    Deleting Character

    Wanted to delete one of my saved characters. I've been told to click on the character as if to select them, then the option will appear. However, there is no option to delete. Only to continue to play as them. Is there another way to go about this or am I just doing it wrong?