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  1. Xerone

    I am the mayor!

    Time to bust out the old gokart squad boys!
  2. Xerone

    Worst Criminals Ever!

    I really liked how you ran away from the medics xD
  3. Xerone

    Dvir - 1 RDM, 1 attempted RDM and one Combatlog to save gear

    Ah well. He was still on the server yesterday, but i guess the ban was in effect later? Well whatever then, i won't bother uploading the vid
  4. Xerone

    Dvir - 1 RDM, 1 attempted RDM and one Combatlog to save gear

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Dvir   Time & Date this happened: The RDM happened around 22:10 yesterday (06.03.15)   Which Server did this happen on: Server 2   Description of what happened: Well when i was RDM'd, we were just driving around, looking for people to...
  5. Xerone

    A Plea From a Medic!

    Is this a rule or a guideline? I have seen medics going into battle like they are immortal and not giving two shits about their own safety, standing right next to cops in firefights and the like, seemingly pretty much trying to catch stray bullets. This pisses me off quite a bit as one of my...
  6. Xerone

    Blatant attempted VDM - [MCS] Asteck (Retracted)

    *Never mind, we worked it out in TS* Delete please
  7. Xerone

    chopper deleted middair (Completed 23/02/2015)

    Yea. Our car got deleted aswell... As you can see in the chat. (Henry, Eric and Jimmy)
  8. Xerone

    The Altis Life UK - A Stoneman's Guide.

    Honestly the best Altis video i have seen. It's so amazingly well made! -Marateks tazer specs made me cringe though. (Bro do you even know electricity?)
  9. Xerone

    BANNED (Format not used)

    Best thread to come to for some laughs
  10. Xerone

    Daniel - Compensation Request (Refused)

    They dont refund cocaine and the like (Y/T-menu items)
  11. Xerone

    BANNED (Format not used)

    This is great banter m8s. It's just like watching someone fumble around in the darkness. Backwards.
  12. Xerone

    time of ban ?

    The perm ban lasts forever...  You need to post an unban appeal if this was your first time getting banned. If it was your second time, you won't get unbanned. It generally takes several days for them to unban you, it's the lowest priority. Also, make sure you bloody use the template
  13. Xerone

    Daniel - Compensation Request (Refused)

    Remember when we chased you for 15 min? Ye, we weren't feeling very generous after that.  Hermit box though
  14. Xerone

    My MLG setup (Low / Extremely Low budget ftw)

    This is how he goes on for days on days without showering. He's got the deodorants ready to mask his body odours!
  15. Xerone


    The police initiated RP with US when they chased us for several minutes, and definitely when they KILLED our friend just for DRIVING a go-kart. We were all in the area as we were driving as a gang, and I saw them shoot my friend and we were in the area the entire time. We were using the sound...
  16. Xerone

    Hello am Steven I have some questions

    Server 1 and 2 both save your progress, yes, you can switch servers and keep your progress. Remember to sync your data (in the Y menu) whenever you do something important such as selling or buying stuff(This is incase of a server shutdown/crash/whatever).  Autosaves every 10 min were turned off...
  17. Xerone

    ... Im going to report you... Have fun with a ban...

    That is bannable though. 3. Do not lie on reports or edit videos to get people banned, this will lead to a ban against you.
  18. Xerone

    Making up rules

    I am pretty sure the "Blackmail" was more a case of "The last drop" since he had apparently also been blowing up buildings in kavala.
  19. Xerone

    Desync compensation request. (Completed 28/01/2015)

    I thought everyone knew about this by now. It happened like 50 times the first server reset. It only happens to hemmts as far as i know because they spawn into the wall.