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  1. Armouredninja

    BIG problem and lost orca

    SO... today I logged onto the altis server to find that the drug dealers have been moved into towns, I have no idea why you did this due to the reasons of cops being able to stop you easily and you can not use helis for drugs anymore as you cant land into cities to sell the drugs. I would love...
  2. Armouredninja

    Lost things

    IGN: ArmouredNinja What was lost: orca, pilot license and driver Value of item: 1.5m, 250k and 10k I hope this can be sorted out
  3. Armouredninja

    lost orca and licenses

    today (30/03/2014) I lost my pilot and driver license, I do not know how this happened but when I logged on apparently a hacker had just been on and messed up the server. I also lost my orca due to someone blocking the airport garage just before the 6pm restart. This any chance of me getting...