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  • Funny that this community gets rid of people who are actually roleplay focused and probably procdued more roleplay than half the mongs on here, you have people running around who don't even try to roleplay but get rid of the ones that do.. 

    +1 It does feel like that some days Father

    Namechange 211122
    Namechange 211122
    the staff spend their time getting plastered and then jump on to lecture us on common sense and what not. its hilarious. 

    Generally speaking.

    Father, I understand the frustration, I honestly do but rules are set for a reason. If they are not followed and broken, action is taken. You would think it would be a simple thing to follow right? I have seen some quality role-players come and go due to being banned but you clearly forget that these people aren't always being "the best" else they wouldn't be in the position they are. You could be the best roleplayer on the server for 1 day and the next 6 days you rdm everybody, but since you actually focus on RP for one day should you escape the punishment? Is it fair on the people who, let's say roleplay at a "subpar" level but are more consistent who may slip up now and again but since they aren't as "focused" as some they get the punishment the focused people wouldn't? 

    Now I understand that people can make mistakes hence why we have the FBS unless a severe rule break which is met by a permanent ban. (1day, 2day, 1week and Perm) so in a sense you have 3/4 chances of learning from mistakes but how many times can someone say they will learn and change there ways? 

    I understand your perspective, you see people who provide good RP and am completely baffled when they are either banned or denied. This is because you don't see it all. So it's easy to see your POV which Is why I get that people are sometimes frustrated when they see a decision which they disagree with. But honestly there are multiple stuff that get looked into before making a decision.

    Been by each others side since the beginning of days @Matthew Labile ❤️ ... In the name of the Father & The Son...


    Next month and I'll be a full year on GTA RP, funny how much I actually came to enjoy it, my intentions was to come on to the server and be a troll and probably end up banned but look now, made many friends in this fantastic community! 

    Happy Christmas and a Happy New year to everyone on RPUK, its been a rough year for everyone, but one of the best things was finding out about this community this year, many wonderful people here, and can say that this year on RPUK has had some brilliant memories. I hope you all go spend time with your friends and family as that's what life is all about ❤️

    (wonderful people in this community does not apply to @Paintand @Archieand @Norman

    You cute 

    Maybe you can ask Santa to teach you to roleplay!

    @Paintshit! I didn't put that down, but I did put it on my list to get Paint some dev lessons 😞 

    If there was an RPUK 2.0 and involved a wipe, how would you feel and your thoughts on it ? 

    Anthony Bryan
    Anthony Bryan
    @Nice GuyI'd say just inventory's n that, So everyone has to work up again some people may not like it but I feel like it'd be a nice change 

    If it came with economy and meta changes would be interesting to see, at a point there's only so many cars and assets you can buy

    If the police took a more hostile stance to criminals we could get rid of all those luxury assets 🤔 no need for a wipe

    Father Augustus > Pope Augustus soonTM?


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    Albert Winsford
    Albert Winsford
    Father Albert Winsford approves.

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