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Recent content by Ronniie

  1. Ronniie

    Trash over drugs

    I agree with taelor, Drug scene has gone dead haven't seen any hand shakers really I've also tested the new drugs my self & for the most part their all equal pay apart from crack cocaine which I had trouble knocking out to the locals.
  2. Ronniie

    Joe Scrub

    +1 big up joe scrub.
  3. Ronniie

    Compensation Request - Ronniie - GTA RP

    Character Name: Ronnie Trapp Character ID: 99163 Steam ID: 76561199473443893 Game: GTA RP Date: 30/05/2024 Please Provide Full Details: Found a broken ceramic pistol bin diving :) Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://i.gyazo.com/e3708c71841e823d44ddbe3edc172635.png Lost Items & Total Value Of...
  4. Ronniie

    More variety of Jobs & Activities

    +1 for group jobs
  5. Ronniie

    Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

    Morning @GENERALLL as stated previously to Stuart I am one person & cannot comment for what others do, same for yourself. What I will say is that these people had no leading role in the robbery, nor had much input of the robbery as we had quickly decided to pounce. Obviously if you feel a rule...
  6. Ronniie

    Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

    In all fairness stuart the liaison was a place for kash & his boys to pick apart clips & our side of the story? I even recall saying i got left in pillbox along with 2 others, cutlass managed to scoop three of us up. As I wasn't one of the people present out of these three people I cannot...
  7. Ronniie

    Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

    Being polite & respectful during a liaison doesn't change the fact that part of my role play was altered due to a rule break? I'll explain the roleplay or lack of as you state, we had be out robbing for a good couple of hours it was getting towards the end of the night for everyone when we had...
  8. Ronniie

    Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

    Sound @JJDD pal, Nice one for the reply & presenting your POV, as for my statement with the "stop drop & roll" i stand by that as you can see also from your POV you mutter a few broken words, "whats going on lads" & "chill chill chill chill" to "right click aim, left click shoot" like we was...
  9. Ronniie

    Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

    Afternoon general pal, I appreciate you notifying your fellow gang members & they could of been 2-3 minutes away, maybe. However you was heavily outnumbered regardless of the other cutlass members that was around inside the pillbox ward (Jd & assuming the downed player he was carrying was...
  10. Ronniie

    Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Ronnie Trapp Reported Players: General (Cutlass) Date: May 28, 2024 Time: 12:28 What best describes this incident: NVL Please (in detail) describe the incident: So I believe the evidence I've presented speaks for its self, there was around 8-9 of us at Sandy...
  11. Ronniie

    Compensation Request - Ronnie trapp - GTA RP

    :ROFLMAO:No problem, take your time :)
  12. Ronniie

    Compensation Request - Ronnie trapp - GTA RP

    Character Name: Ronnie Trapp Character ID: 99163 Steam ID: 76561199473443893 Game: GTA RP Date: 24/05/2024 Please Provide Full Details: Was transferring iron into my house, put the box in the benson & went to get in the truck & it glitched out. Link(s) To Any Evidence...
  13. Ronniie

    Car Radio's

    As much as I'm a fan of Classic FM :ROFLMAO: taxiing & trucking would be a little bit more pleasurable having the ability to listen to even ABBA If one desired. As for the club, over like 50-60 MPH & it just muffles the sound of the speaker.
  14. Ronniie

    Car Radio's

    During my time here I have yet to find a motor (Apart from the club) that can play URL songs through the car stereo, Although the club does play music through it doesn't really hit the spot when cruising around. I think being able to play 'youtube' songs & stuff through the car stereos would be...
  15. Ronniie

    Add a tebex store

    Having the means to purchase small worthless items such as select car(s) or as tommo says a wax or extra slots, This being a restricted assest So your IRL money/item cannot get converted to IG money or exchanged for other vehicles.