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Recent content by Ivan Semenov

  1. Ivan Semenov

    NPAS Thermals

    +1 After discovering how op thermal is and seeing the effect it has on recent roleplay scenarios as an occult member, this 100% needs to change. If not, level out the playing field for crims. Personally, I've always wanted a Patriot battery system to counter npas... 😜
  2. Ivan Semenov

    Stock Market Script

    Sounds like another casino to lose all my money in, sounds great! +1
  3. Ivan Semenov

    Unban Appeal - Doom561 - GTA RP

    Hi @Danoo, Thanks for the reply. I’d continue to develop my character Ivan Semanov and the ongoing storylines he has within The Occult, both internally, with other characters in the city and with the police. I’m confident that the level of RP I provide on Ivan is exactly what RPUK is...
  4. Ivan Semenov

    Unban Appeal - Doom561 - GTA RP

    Hi @Danoo, I have read the rules and more importantly I have read them again since being banned. This was a short sighted lapse in judgment on my part. Although I can’t change what has happened, I can ensure it won't happen again. A lesson has been learnt.
  5. Ivan Semenov

    Unban Appeal - Doom561 - GTA RP

    Good evening @Danoo! Likewise, I hope you have had a good day. Maybe that wasn’t the best way of phrasing it from my side. To give context, one evening during the time Bill was appealing, we were in a voice call and one of our friends joined, who is African/British, he doesn’t play GTA, so...
  6. Ivan Semenov

    Unban Appeal - Doom561 - GTA RP

    Good morning Danoo, Thank you for taking the time to reply, it is gratefully appreciated! You are indeed, unfortunately, correct. Bill had messaged in the groupie earlier before I sent ‘the message’ saying hello. He decided to RP that he had been in a coma and had just woken up. I believe...
  7. Ivan Semenov

    Unban Appeal - Doom561 - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Doom561  In-game Name: Ivan Semenov Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198035939430 Ban ID: !!rpuk15962!! Reason given for your ban: (1.7) Chat Ban/Common Sense - As a Roleplay game, every situation is different and not everything can be detailed within these rules and so it is...
  8. Ivan Semenov

    Rental Mechanic Truck Despawning

    Steam ID: 76561198035939430 Character ID: 134 When did this happen: 09/23/23 Summary: Rental Mechanic Truck Despawning Full Description: Rented a Mechanic Truck from the Civilian Impound Desk. Upon leaving the building and getting close to the truck it despawns. Unfortunately I've...
  9. Ivan Semenov

    changes to crafting levels

    +1 from me. I will happily get on my hands and needs and beg. Current situation makes no sense espically being able to craft high tier items with no xp gain
  10. Ivan Semenov

    New Imported Trucks

    +1 would love to see more real trucks about the city