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Recent content by Dav0

  1. Dav0

    Report a player - unknown - GTA RP

    i think this should be closed, all im looking for is rp, they have said their piece, i have said my piece and i dont really have any evidence, thank you for responding all of you guys and including the staff member
  2. Dav0

    Report a player - unknown - GTA RP

    its more of the fact that there is no RP behind it, its literally, you see me you either kidnap me or rob and shoot me, i dont care what you do but put some roleplay behind it instead of, drop your shit, i haven't fully passed away btw thats why i always remember you guys, someone has always...
  3. Dav0

    Report a player - unknown - GTA RP

    so there was a reason to shoot me when i was on the marketplace, did not see ANY of you guys, and again in front of pillbox where u think i went towards it coz of gunshots, no i did not i was trying to find my friend since they keep sending me a GPS, i took cover whilst i was round back still...
  4. Dav0

    Report a player - unknown - GTA RP

    i have not got any video evidence but it will most likely happen again so i will either make a new report or let you know in this one in the future thank you for your response
  5. Dav0

    Report a player - unknown - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: DJ Adams Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: unknown Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 08/02/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1430 What best describes this incident ?: shooting me multiple...
  6. Dav0

    Money lend, and debt paying off

    ye i think i have a very good understanding now, again thank you for your help
  7. Dav0

    Money lend, and debt paying off

    ye i read them, just of a trick question to me thats all, thats no problem thank you for your help
  8. Dav0

    Money lend, and debt paying off

    i was lent money on character A by someone, character A finds it hard to get money, but character B finds it really easy to get money, is character B aloud to pay off the debt that character A has
  9. Dav0

    Blood level replenishes after relog

    Steam ID: 76561199401659493 Character ID: 95776 When did this happen: 07/18/23 Summary: Blood level replenishes after relog Full Description: lets say i am bleeding and its too me to half of my blood level, if i relog then it will full replenish without going to the hospital Images / Video's
  10. Dav0

    Walk in the ground

  11. Dav0


    ty, it worked
  12. Dav0


    what you mean by start fishing 2x?
  13. Dav0


    Everytime i try fish it says stopped fishing once i have it out and im still using it but i dont think it works because it says i have stopped fishing, i have put bait on and i have been told spots in the city, so i am confused what i an doing wrong
  14. Dav0

    Walk in the ground

    its opposite fallen angels compund on the left side of the fighting arena
  15. Dav0

    Walk in the ground

    ye i will as soon as i can